Friday, April 24, 2009

Refinish Chrome Table

Practice: Study of uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion (mrua)

To study the uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion, we will measure the motion of free fall three balls of different mass.

We will use the device of the photo, which consists of a support, two gates, a timer, the timer of the ball. As a rule we will have additional materials and a scale.

The hardest part of practice is to throw the ball accurately from the same height. To do that, we invented a "trigger" a joint made of cardboard and a piece of wood

The practice consists of dropping the balls from the trigger, through the gates. As the logic gates can be moved, we increased the distance between them, thus having different number of data that indicate the relationship between space and time.

Here we see Rose making a "trip"

Rosa "fire and scored the Naomi data.

Alexis weighs the balls.

Lab in full swing

As a final point, here is the table of data obtained with the steel ball (m = 69.8 g) with its corresponding graph, note that the graph space-time describes a parabola and not a line, as expected in this type of movement.

The value of gravity that we have measured is the slope of the graph speed - 9.90 m/s2 time.
We have come very close to the value "official" of gravity, calculated at 9.8 m/s2.