Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Homemade 300 Ohms Transformator Uhf

class of graphs. 4 º ESO DICU ACT.

Click on the link below # PARTE_6

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Masterbation For Weomam

Crystallization of ADP (ammonium phosphate dibasic)

Our center participates in a contest of crista Lizac ion, to promote the study of science among our youth. E Ocine pattern t is the Science Park of Granada, Laboratorio de Estudios Cris ta LOGR AFIC, Science on Wheels Educational Center and the National Science Foundat io n. (Here we see Rose and Ana, the Institute for Crystallographic Studies, who came to our school to teach us to crystallize)

After several attempts to make the experience of Christian ta liz ation in class, we realized that it was very difficult to advance ones SESI e ta d n nly s (hour and a half if we added the break), so I decided to get together some afternoon. The first of these evenings was Wednesday May 13, 2009.
then shown pictures of the act ivi Dad this afternoon:

material used in Practice:
beaker. Probe

balance. Goggles
Gloves. Polyurethane foam

Box 350 g of ADP.
500 cm3 of water.

Laboratory prepared for the afternoon session.

Manolo Save and glass will create "seeds" and then enlarge them. Here we take the temperature.

dissolving and heating the ADP.

Preparing an insulated container as possible so that the dissolution of stuck in the styrofoam box cool slowly. We are interested in a slow cooling as possible to go a few large crystals instead of many small crystals.

Alineación al centro Here is the prepared solution to crystallize.

Not content with this, put the plastic container inside a cardboard box filled with polyurethane foam insulation.

Two teams looking for "seed" crystallization. (Laura, Cecilia, Martha, Stephanie and Mary)

Meanwhile, another team was to prepare a bigger glass. Since we had a lot of ready-made solution of ADP from past practice, decided to use it and take it to the appropriate concentration for the growth of crystals (not a question of wasting the material.) To do this, we need to find the concentration of the starting solution. This photo shows the materials used for this research: A 100 cm3 flask, funnel, pipette, pipettor and balance.
Here Ana Belén filled the flask, scraped off and see what it has done well.

Ana María Belén and measure the volume of original solution and are ready to heat.

We weighed the ADP that we add to get a proper solution for crystal growth.

and we just have to wait until all is dissolved and mixture reaches the proper temperature.

The ADP not only form large crystals. You can also crystallize forming needle-shaped structures that are called dendrites.

After three days the group of Ana Belén, Pinera and Pepe got this crystal.