Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Living Harvest Hemp Milk

the course of Physics and Chemistry 3 º ESO. Relay

September 2, 2009 at 11:00 hours in the lab

Students suspended the subject of Natural Sciences 3 º ESO, as of Physics and Chemistry, to retrieve the subject must complete , over the holidays, the document prepared for this purpose.
To answer these questions you can use different sources:
  1. Working papers delivered by the class teacher.
  2. The textbook.
  3. Encyclopedias and Internet.
The class papers were hand delivered to students in his day. If any lost, can download them from this blog in the "Materials for 3 º ESO." There is also available document retrieval.

The date for the recall must deliver a job answering the questions in the document.

same day do a test that will answer 10 questions chosen at random from the document.

To retrieve the subject the student must show proficiency in two sections:

  1. the document.
  2. examination.