Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cervical Erosion And Getting Pregnant


This Friday (5 February) at 17 hs. TAN BIONICA be presented free with Miranda! and Pat Coria in the Parque Roca in Buenos Aires (Cnel. Roca 3490).

17 hours. Pat Coria
18 hours. TAN BIONICA
19 hours. Miranda!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pure Dee Full Gallery


Hello friends, I am writing to you because I want. I ambush, day and night, the need to have some contact with you and realized that our next meeting physical, will occur just in the city that has the widest beaches and windy coastal Party: Necochea (this information is provided by Bambi . Holds remember that from two years). Then select for the realization of this desire, the option to write some beautiful words disguised foolish that they bring a little happiness, nostalgia and, why not information.
Well, I tell them that we will be by Necochea, Mar del plata, perhaps Black River, in the back of Capital ... and some more that will surprise soon revealed through other sources. In those shows we will leverage to advance stealthily little things from our new album and not so grossly distort some of the stories Hurricane already well known.
The fact that our brand new producers have gone on vacation, forced us to stop the relentless rush of work editing the record and not what had happened, but I ended up at a spa (a fact which I regret) in search of what some call rest. First, I want to publicly apologize for having gone on vacation, having watched with a critical eye to vacationers , for insulting the honor and I want to amend typical cities with myself for having behaved like a tourist. As soon as I got completely abandon the arduous task of observing, analyzing and writing songs, and devoted myself exclusively to developing a modest inventory of the strange behavior of people during their time at the beach. Poor selection of hostels, the search erratic unpopulated sites, my old obsessive-compulsive, something strange that had the mate on the inside and this fateful and noble activity of observing behavior others, I caused a physical and emotional collapse within 48 hours of arriving. Looking for a little peace I went to collect moist pineapple green twigs to light the fire of the barbecue. Just did not catch. While gathering my supplies and tried to remember in order metals and nonmetals in the periodic table of elements, I decided to take up my ballpoint and make this humble guide to respect it to the letter and have a vacation fairly decent. I leave all my heart.


1 - If you are recognized any person, refuses intensely his true identity. Ex
.: Che vos sos milkfish Bionic Tan ? .... No sir, I'm an archer defenders Belgrano

2 - Vay aa dress beach striped suit and tie smooth. That combination never fails. You will be observed by all, but do not panic. This climbing a ladder over his career as king of summer.

3 - If you use lights in a crushed ankle boots with steel caps, will give you more emotional stability and will help a lot when you want Take a shot of Puntin .

4 - If you see that everyone welcomes a child on the shoulders of an adult, never clap. Done with that silly. I never understood why people applaud a child who is not making any grace, but almost always crying and worried face. That has merit? ...

5 - I also observed that applauds lifeguards when they take someone's water. End this silliness too, never clap. The poor guy wants to drown and not let him. Bring it over the edge so ridiculous, you push your chest and kiss without consent. Propose better to applaud trades workers nobler, as the driver when you arrive at your destination, the butcher cut the chicken or the Kiosquero finite when you have coins.

6 - Also avoid sun exposure, but I do not mean physical damage that could cause lightning, but for the moral damage it causes to people this hot phenomenon. People often believe that being roasted lives his great time of year and they really enjoy is the fact of not being oneself. Indeed. I heard a friend of some electric beds that are used to tan in winter in the middle of town. Of course not believe him.

7 - There is a crucial moment in the life of every man. The time a girl reaches the beach, stretched his blanket and removed the short at a right angle position. Avoid seeing that. All that is left in the world will lose respect.

8 - There is a phenomenon that occurs only in these resorts and that makes our existence meaningful and it is only worth vacation. SUMMER LOVE. Summer love is true love, that we'll always remember, that he had no time for imperfections that makes us look back with nostalgia and ask what had become of our life have persisted. That which is so alive in our hearts and makes alive the desire to go look / o. Do not wait fence to look for that love, do what is necessary, return to that beach, tour the immensity of the sands with despair, look at the sea, look in your memory and never let you forget it. The important thing is to go looking.
I believe that love is perfect love that lasts as long as his memory and that is much more than real love, his memory is his own world.
I had a summer love at 6 years and I still keep wondering if I'll ever see again. Her name was Mary Light, and every Once a girl told me that name, I wonder if she's the one I take my dream for my whole childhood, disappeared suddenly in the hands of his mother, swears to find all my life, who stole his to love my old teddy bear, which made me understand that the most beautiful thing in life I do not give my parents.
I believe that love back and think you have to go out at night to find him. I turned to find a summer of chance and now every night he holds me when I sleep.

I read your story. I love


Monday, January 4, 2010

What To Write In A Sympathy Card For Cancer


After a little vacation ... begin rehearsals for the summer concerts, will resume the recording of the album and new single and video premiere. Meanwhile

continue to vote ruined in every way!

SEE YOU SOON! Greetings

http://www ref = ts