Monday, March 22, 2010

Maxi Micro Micro Bikini

March 13, The Hidden

Saturday March 13, 1920 hours, one of the last round heat of summer in the city, the night was about elegance. In Palermo, about 100,000 people embrace the Chilean brothers with Andres Calamaro, Gustavo Cerati, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs and Leon Gieco, among other local figures. In San Telmo, a privileged few, some 650 musicians embrace the port (ex Bersuit) and guitarist of one of the world's biggest bands, The Strokes. Sic, the virtuoso Albert Hammond Jr. went to the back room to watch the show Bionic Tan, a band that ceased to be a revelation and at this point is already part of the local mainstream.

20.15, the psychedelic tunes from "The Roots of Chicha" which appeased the wait is over, the curtain opens and a video recalls the best moments of "Hurricane Tour, the tour was to visit Bionic So much of the country in 2009. A few minutes later, Chano, Bambi, Seby Diego and get on stage and the audience goes crazy to the rhythm of Bionic Girl, fashion cap, depression, and Spring Perfect Lives.

After 35 minutes of pure power, the hurricane passes and the voice of Chano, more fragile than ever, leads an acoustic version of the salad, the rest of the band accompanied by guitars. The curtain closes, the audience sighs, the thrill is in the air.

few minutes later, Tan Bionics unveils one of its best kept secrets, the video Lunita de Tucumán, a sweet ballad tragic point that the director knew Juan Chappa become a strong conceptual video which is exposed to the actress Belen Chavanne could easily be a girl Almodóvar.

The video ends and it seems that the surprises are over, however Bionic Tan has an ace up his sleeve. The curtain opens and The Hidden explodes with a very well made version of La Soledad, Bersuit, along with The Ox (Pepe Céspedes, Righi Osky, Dani Suarez Condor Sbarbati and Martin Pomares). The same musicians also interpret pills Oblivion, a melancholy theme with River Plate who are part of the new Bionic Tan disk. The room late, the audience cheers.

The show continues with the same energy from the start, Chano makes dance and sing to the audience with hits like ruin, which is part of the rankings of radio stations in the country, Poison, I hope you and My Madrugaditas, including others.

22.30, near the end, the chords sound sad obsessed in A Major, a new song that will surely become a classic of the band. In the field, the most sensitive weep the strongest attempt to do so, not all succeed.

Now if Tucumán Lunita marks the end of the road, everybody sings, even those who do not know the words. Final Salute and the next. So now Bionic be consolidated in Rosario (where he will play on Friday 19 and Saturday, March 20) and Cordoba (do a show on Sunday 21 March), two places that suit him. Besides, who knows, perhaps soon to materialize the invitation of Albert Hammond Jr. and Tan Bionic embrace the dream of sharing the stage with The Strokes.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cellular Respiration Ap Bio Lab Graph


This morning I saw him very badly. The only man capable of being cured, before seeing me advance by phone that the situation was very complex. He said he was very old, that his body would not work and that his soul wanted to go. Clinically argument was impossible to save. ¨ Only a miracle can save him said. Whenever I refused to endorse everything he said science and place my faith and my belief in the irrational, but this time it was very difficult to save. I, without being an expert on the subject, I realized that was not done.
morning Diega approached to offer every assistance. He watched from afar the talk I had with this man and realized that my optimism was almost absurd. That everything was already said, that life is so, that there is a way in which we must be constantly accepting the loss, that life is about accepting the absences.
You could tell he wanted to give me a hug, as did many times. But maybe I would give it to no end to bury my expectations, perhaps to delay a few more minutes on my way to acceptance.
L of sadness I felt a thousand miles, but still was not prepared to face this tragedy. Bambi
When I was going type. He had not heard anything he had said the professional, but when he sat in front of him and touched him, he transformed the face immediately. He said nothing I look into your eyes I look at Diego and did not take their eyes tell me that even miracles were impossible in this case.
Bambi is my brother and I loved him as I do, but seemed to be more whole or at least more avocado to hold back, perhaps to dribble the feeling or perhaps because I knew that my life would be very difficult after that music after this, my house at night when everyone is asleep. Thereafter. Sebi
told me that we are all going to come this time. Strong hug him and say goodbye. Arriving afternoon
accept a little loss.
My guitar will never play the sound of his voice, but I will give other songs.
in my house is always going to be the giant hole that I will remember.
And in my heart the sound of his C major tune.
I'll never forget the morning of 9 March with Bambi Saavedra, Diego and Sebi, when he diagnosed my chronic Piano out of tune, the musical death.

Saturday in the back I tell if I buy another or as the story goes. CHANO