Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Best Compound Cpu 2010

Practice: Demonstrating Boyle's Law.

Practice: Demonstrating Boyle's Law.

materials needed to make your report you have them HERE

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Vans Shoe Store-application

Dear Friends

The Hurricane piberío is finishing recording the guitars of the brand new Bionic Tan disk, which will take place in stores in late of February that comes and goes.

On Monday off again in light of Hurricane · Songs ¨ with a new edition gently Universal Drywall and will republish.

ruin next week will be released in a violent and indiscreet by major FM stations in the country. If you ask me. Chano, happy? I say yes, but not really if it is well ventilated massively stories.

Last week I stopped to look at the comments that YouTube users drafted below the video. It was about 700. I read some and I just realized that everybody did a reading on the lyrics, much better than mine.

The debate was divided between those who claimed that it was an ode to cocaine and those who claimed it was a desperate cry of a heart broken by a woman.

I think at that point, the son of my father who is not Bambi, was suffering the effects of these two evils. Love and addiction.

What causes addictions we all know, the problem is love. The problem is left feeling self fool most irrational of all time. The love.

humbly Maybe I can help with this guide, I could make thanks to the disinterested testimony of the residents of the street patterns in which they shared with me many romantic failures and misfortunes in areas adjoining the corner of my house.

The guide is intended that you suffer, I suffer disappointment, to withstand disagreements, to love and not feel loved and finally concludes that there is no conclusion. Know that love is the saddest joy that exists in this life.


1 - Know that love and football are the same thing. If you are in love try not to expose both his humiliation. Simulate selflessness, acting as one full, safe and without emotional emergency.

As a team defensively waiting for his chance to retaliate. Away to get close.

2 - Never fall in love with someone who lives in Palermo. In Palermo there is love, is sane but I have versions that many ladies of Palermo (learned in the arts of enchantment) poor seduce their victims, the violent fall in love, then lock them in a multi-space or in the little room at the bottom of the fair Tazz and clothing away forever from their neighborhoods. Moreover, friends of the hurricane, have a friend who fell into the clutches of one of these witches cursed ... "Yeite Doe" If you are reading BACK !!!.. miss you.

3 - Never but never required ticket or invoice in front of his beloved / a. Remember that if the country's tax system works well, love will go wrong ... I know why I say

4 - Do not try for the world to holiday in Pinamar. I have a lot of accurate information which says that all traders in the area secretly conspire against love marriages. They believe that a loving couple adapts to any situation and this leads to not spend money. If you do not believe me check yourself fence and as the waiter to bring you the bill, tendentiously winks at his wife or the cashier's super grateful to you at night they have ever had.

5 - Never love a promoter. Several residents of the street Amenabar who claim that its beauty is to fool the fools and actually go away by taking off his uniform. They are not real, they are beautiful beings created by the big brands.

6 - the day of your marriage, go for the morning of your home, let yourself blinded by the sun or soaked by the drops of rain, then let him without sin but never acquitted of his forgetfulness and his yesterdays, remember that adolescent once was, if you have to mourn, cry, run as fast as you can, buy flowers, go to the home of his first girlfriend and not ring the bell ... remember how happy he was, all that loved in silence, the past is always better, its glory years ... Connect with yourself. Return home walking slowly and know that love is the most beautiful thing you are going to suffer. Before going to promise that never in life will forget her first love and always open a hole in his memory to allocate those hours so happy. Now if you try to reproduce that love in each of his acts and at night when you get home tell your spouse and silent I LOVE YOU also tell your first love and also tell YOU.

I promise you the best stories for the next album Bionic So, yours and mine.

Thanks for the comments you always leave.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Breakout Around Eye Brow Area

panic and madness

marked by the heroic courage of the mad Martin, popcorn anthology Diego, pestaleras (blunt instruments that are placed on the head of who plays with such negligence on the playstation that comes to let his opponent gave him a difference more than three goals) received by Seby and Diego, and the dilemma of how to do things well spent the long weekend.

Despite the spring sunshine on Monday we went to a day of meditation, an activity that would choose hard winter and I think either summer or autumn, Hurricane reborn to address one of the longest tours of his short but fruitful Stock: Cordoba, Rosario, Río Tercero and La Pampa, are among the destinations where it will leave its mark, where those stories will both identify us.

Today, with admirable discipline Bambi Diego and perfected the sequences, choosing thoroughly and precisely each of the sounds that accompany all that was recorded and will continue to log in Del Cielito. Meanwhile, Chano, our ringtone maker, studied the voices of the most glorious songs ever sung.

As you can see everything is heading, by this time that crazy idea out of an obsessed and is not lost and dominguicidio any petals leave a footprint in all our supporters.

Aloha, TAN


Monday, October 12, 2009

Family Guy With Gay Tom Cruise

Practice: determination of space-time graph for a linear motion. Recovery

New course and new practice. We started

making the practice "
graphic determination of space-time for rectilinear motion." This practice is aimed at students in Secondary 2 and 3 of the support group. As always, the goal of practice is to make a report stating:

Title of the practice.
The theoretical foundation.
The bill of materials (with photos).
The procedure (Explain what has been done.)
experimental data (in tables).
experimental data (in graphical form).

To make the report, we will take advantage of ICT center, and we will do with the word processor. Then to save paper and ink, you do not print that. Send it to the email address and we'll correct it digitally. Your note the know the return mail.

photos of the materials used in practice have the following link:

practice materials.