Monday, October 12, 2009

Family Guy With Gay Tom Cruise

Practice: determination of space-time graph for a linear motion. Recovery

New course and new practice. We started

making the practice "
graphic determination of space-time for rectilinear motion." This practice is aimed at students in Secondary 2 and 3 of the support group. As always, the goal of practice is to make a report stating:

Title of the practice.
The theoretical foundation.
The bill of materials (with photos).
The procedure (Explain what has been done.)
experimental data (in tables).
experimental data (in graphical form).

To make the report, we will take advantage of ICT center, and we will do with the word processor. Then to save paper and ink, you do not print that. Send it to the email address and we'll correct it digitally. Your note the know the return mail.

photos of the materials used in practice have the following link:

practice materials.


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