Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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"He who has learned to love the New Life can sing the song again. So the new song reminds us of New Life. New Man new song, new will. .. all belong to one and only Kingdom. "

"He who has learned to love the New Life can sing the song again. So the new song makes us think of the New Life. New Man new song, will again ... all belong to one and only Kingdom "(St. Augustine).
The Christian who sincerely seeks to know the place that music should occupy in his own life, is in the Word of God a general rule can be applied to any area of \u200b\u200byour life:" Do everything for the Glory of God "(1 Cor 10, 31).
" For none of us lives for himself and no one dies to himself " (Rm 14, 7). "Christ died so that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died and rose for them" (2 Cor 5, 15). "That in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 4, 1 l). If we are born again of water and the Spirit, desire to do all things, including music for the glory of God. All my things are under the gaze of my Father, I am his son and live according to Him to accept music listening, we write, we sing or play alone or with others to contribute to glorify God.
do something for the glory of God means that we want Him to receive all the Honor and Praise of our action and is better known, loved and served. Therefore, we give up our own personal glory.
The world of music, like all artistic activity, has been diverted to the glorification of man. One of the goals recognized or not of the artists is to make a name. And Jesus says about this: "among you, not so" (Mt 20.26). in a common prayer or any liturgical celebration is inconceivable that musicians and singers are actors. Music is offered to God as prayers. We gather in the name of the Lord to enjoy the music or to appreciate its quality.
"All me things are allowed, but I will not be enslaved by anything. "Even the best things can become a threat to my freedom if they become indispensable to my comfort, if I can not live without them. Today the music has become for many a drug that would be very difficult to do without. Music is a wonderful means by which God can give peace, joy, strength .... but always remain a means, such as food or medicine, in the hands of God.
is not the music itself from whom I expect these benefits, but my Father who loves me. I avoid, therefore, spend more time, forces, or receptive to what the Lord shows me how convenient to not depend on it. For many "audiophiles" music has become a substitute religion. They need it to calm down or cheer. Expect of it what we expect of God: Consuelo, inner transformation, communion with others ...
Music is a servant of God, if it does not take place, it becomes an idol, a false God. Making music for the glory of God to serve God is known, as it truly is, as many people. Glorify The Name of God "(Jn 17:18) is manifest and to recognize its qualities: Your Majesty, Your Grace, Your Tenderness Your Beauty. The music glorifies God when it reflects these qualities and evoke within the audience. "A music for the Glory of God," says Kuen-Peace is a music in the sense of Shalom: Fullness, Accomplishment, Happiness. "
Paul, just after speaking of singing, says: "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do it in the Name of Jesus" (Col, 3, 17).
do a thing in the name of someone is doing as he would have done, to represent their personality, their nature, do it with love and authority. Music made in the name of the Lord Jesus should reflect his person, his strength and his sweetness, his truth and purity, his love and its power, and also his zeal, his passion for the Father, his indignation at the evil. A music of this kind can have, according to the time, sounds strong, unique accents, different styles, but no pleasure in exciting or condition. Shall not be chaotic or exaggerated, but transmit the serenity and balance that arise from the triumph of God on all division and destruction.

In the Old Testament, the Levites, temple musicians were subject to the same obligations as their brothers. They had no privilege or wealth, God Himself was their inheritance (Num 18.29, Dt 10.9). Something similar has happened with those who are called to serve the Lord through music and song. A ministry of music as a ministry of advocacy or preaching a service to the Lord in the Community. Means, somehow, a consecration to God. The Community-

through their leaders, must maintain a requirement. Consistency spiritual life for all who are part of a music ministry. "But the musicians who live in an exemplary manner should be used in the Church", said once someone with experience in the matter.

Those who serve the Lord in this ministry are to love God and His Word than the music. Must have a vision of music and singing from the Word of God and the Tradition of the Church. They must have patience, emotional stability, ability to surrender and teamwork, enthusiasm and zeal, offset by good sense and good humor. At the base of it all: humility. Only a life of daily prayer and actual delivery can serve the Lord.

Author: Javier Rodríguez
. Originally published in NEW PENTECOST, no. 60 (www.rcc-es.com)

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Living in the spirit to sing in

Following our previous article devoted to musical equipment that we use in different situations, see we need to play at local middle, as could be, for example, the gym of a college or university. Chances are that the amplifiers have no sound can fill a room with these characteristics, especially if you're playing to 300, 400 or more persons, who are dancing and talking. For a situation like this, you need a good PA system and a mixer to bring together all the signals that need to be amplified. If you are not very well financially, a good option is to rent the equipment - at least until the dates are very common and more worthwhile to buy the equipment. However, if 're thinking about buying equipment, you should not rule out certain resources such as thrift stores or eBay to find what we want - a second-hand musical equipment we can save enough money.

To put in place when playing in a local mid-size - imagine a conference room at a university that is used for concerts as well - need to put microphones on all instruments or take signals directly from the instruments . To give some examples, you can put a microphone on the amplifier or to run the guitar signal through an emulator then amplified and sent to the mixer. You can also put a microphone to the amplifier's low, do operate under a direct entry into the speakers or through an amp emulator. You can take the signal from the keyboard directly to the mixer. You can put microphones on the drums or play with a drum machine directly to the mixer. Of course, for the singer and the chorus also need microphones.

If you have four instruments and three vocalists, you need an 8 channel mixer to handle all the entries. The mixer sends its signal to an amplifier. For a place such as a school gym, you'll need at least 100 watts, while a hundred more would be much better. Now you need two speakers that can handle the power that gives us the amplifier. Depending on the speakers you select, you may need some supports to hold them. Apart from this, and as auxiliary equipment, you may want to monitor on stage. Your mixer will have a monitor output signal, so you'll need a monitor amplifier and several speakers for this device.
Put everything together, you'll need a mixer with 8 or 12 channels, a main amplifier, a monitor amplifier, main speakers, amplifiers supports if needed, speaker monitors, cables for the main speakers and monitor, three to seven microphones, microphones corresponding standard cables, and a van to carry all the material.

As discussed in the previous article, even if you're playing in a bar or pub which has its own mixer, amplifiers and speakers, you should consider bringing some proper equipment. For example, many bands will bring their own microphones with cables and mixer 8 or 12 channels. What I usually do is to operate all buses on their own mixer, and configured with its own mixer and sends mixed signals to local mixer. In this way, the band can control the mix rather than a person from the local control it.
This also can simplify things if one is not available on site to take charge of the sound. You will not have to learn how the equipment room itself and you will be using only one of its channels. If you're planning to put microphones on amplifiers for the guitars, then you should bring the amplifiers and microphones you're planning to use. If you're using emulators microphones or other devices, and connecting you should bring your own mixer.

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spirit What sound equipment used for a local medium?

Cristhian Your friend and brother.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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Therefore, you and your friends have decided to organize a band, and I plan to do concerts in front of an audience. That is fine, but there may be a small problem: the current musical equipment they have can not be right to do concerts in front of a demanding public. If there is no minimum budget to buy a decent musical equipment, you may have to start with the basics, just what you need - you need to exit the garage or rehearsal room and get into a real place where play front of people. In the next article, we will see a quick and easy, as are the basics of sound systems, also known as professional audio equipment, so you can set up a music system that works in a medium-sized site, such as a lounge or other similar local.
The first step is to do the kind of place you go and touch, because you can potentially save money by comparing the equipment you need in the places where you will play. For example, if you're playing in a hall auditorium and church halls where they usually do and live music events, chances are you already have a permanent basic musical equipment: a PA system, speakers and a mixer installed. This is the best scenario we can find because all you have to do is connect to the system. In a room with this type of equipment, instruments and take a few microphones and you're ready to play.
* Guitar - The guitar player has his own guitar and amplifier. * Bass - The bass player has his own bass and amp. * Battery - has its own battery. * Keyboard - The keyboard has its own keyboard and amplifier.
* Singer - has its own microphone and amplifier.

Apart from this, two members of the group do the chorus. When you're rehearsing, or this is all you need. With this basic equipment, you can play in a garage or basement and get a good sound for a space like that. The same equipment can also be enough to fix at a party at someone's house or a small venue. Depends on the size of amplifiers that are available. If there are units of 10 or 15 watts, it may not be sufficient to cover an area larger than a garage, especially if many people talking at the site. On the other hand, an amplifier of 60 watts may work well in most venues.
However, if you have to play a larger site, things change. We will see this in the next part of the article to the next. Source:

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How to make the sound of my group?

"What's the matter?" Is the first single
with which the band
ALBUM: What's the matter?
1. You 2. No more 3. I want your love
4. What is happening?
5. What would
6. Want eternal 7. We are not alone 8. His name is Jesus 9. Wings of Freedom
10. Desert 11. What is happening? (Bonus track)


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Banda "Palo Santo"

Believe album
01. Take me 02.
will celebrate 03. You'll be

04. look into your eyes 05. Believe 06. Your 07. You are my Peace
08. Arise
09. Mother of Man
10. Take me
11. Come
12. Thanks
13. There are no words
14. I want to build
