Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Can Purple Nurple Make You Have Breast Cancer

Living in the spirit to sing in

Following our previous article devoted to musical equipment that we use in different situations, see we need to play at local middle, as could be, for example, the gym of a college or university. Chances are that the amplifiers have no sound can fill a room with these characteristics, especially if you're playing to 300, 400 or more persons, who are dancing and talking. For a situation like this, you need a good PA system and a mixer to bring together all the signals that need to be amplified. If you are not very well financially, a good option is to rent the equipment - at least until the dates are very common and more worthwhile to buy the equipment. However, if 're thinking about buying equipment, you should not rule out certain resources such as thrift stores or eBay to find what we want - a second-hand musical equipment we can save enough money.

To put in place when playing in a local mid-size - imagine a conference room at a university that is used for concerts as well - need to put microphones on all instruments or take signals directly from the instruments . To give some examples, you can put a microphone on the amplifier or to run the guitar signal through an emulator then amplified and sent to the mixer. You can also put a microphone to the amplifier's low, do operate under a direct entry into the speakers or through an amp emulator. You can take the signal from the keyboard directly to the mixer. You can put microphones on the drums or play with a drum machine directly to the mixer. Of course, for the singer and the chorus also need microphones.

If you have four instruments and three vocalists, you need an 8 channel mixer to handle all the entries. The mixer sends its signal to an amplifier. For a place such as a school gym, you'll need at least 100 watts, while a hundred more would be much better. Now you need two speakers that can handle the power that gives us the amplifier. Depending on the speakers you select, you may need some supports to hold them. Apart from this, and as auxiliary equipment, you may want to monitor on stage. Your mixer will have a monitor output signal, so you'll need a monitor amplifier and several speakers for this device.
Put everything together, you'll need a mixer with 8 or 12 channels, a main amplifier, a monitor amplifier, main speakers, amplifiers supports if needed, speaker monitors, cables for the main speakers and monitor, three to seven microphones, microphones corresponding standard cables, and a van to carry all the material.

As discussed in the previous article, even if you're playing in a bar or pub which has its own mixer, amplifiers and speakers, you should consider bringing some proper equipment. For example, many bands will bring their own microphones with cables and mixer 8 or 12 channels. What I usually do is to operate all buses on their own mixer, and configured with its own mixer and sends mixed signals to local mixer. In this way, the band can control the mix rather than a person from the local control it.
This also can simplify things if one is not available on site to take charge of the sound. You will not have to learn how the equipment room itself and you will be using only one of its channels. If you're planning to put microphones on amplifiers for the guitars, then you should bring the amplifiers and microphones you're planning to use. If you're using emulators microphones or other devices, and connecting you should bring your own mixer.


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