Monday, July 5, 2010

Ideas To Jack Off With

Praise of Melancholy

` Gilbert

There is a strange phenomenon that occurs at times of life, when a thought connects the present exciting situation with some of our past and cause a cousin-brother feeling of sadness. Of course I mean the blues.
Melancholy is one of the most worthy feelings that can move an artist. Sorry, you must move an artist, because this phenomenon connects us with the things that really have significant value in our unusual existence. And dare I say it's more important that we remember with nostalgia, that whatever is to come. And the important thing is to come will be even more valuable when more distant future the recall wistfully.
This does not mean you have to appreciate the joyous moments life, as long as they keep in mind that happiness is essentially a compilation of small moments where one innocently unaware that fate is composed of losses and absences. Is made and shaped by some force so that every time we have less. Is that why you have so much fear and respect for the word "death"? I hate that word. I hate that things die or end. But that is that the universe gave us memory so that within it, things will not die. Also love, which is short. But we feel very far from death.
Maybe melancholy is naturally a failure of memory, or perhaps a warning. An alert that warns us do something to keep alive the memory sad and happy at the same time.
today officially finished disc. Stage was completed, and when I would study this phenomenon appeared Del Cielito called melancholy. I was very sad because he felt that he had died a stage. A stage that included Oski Rigui pounding the table to show me how to pronounce, as it should pronounce the phrase "living the way that lives badly." MALVIVOOOO said Oski. A man forced me to put the whole strength of my heart in a word. Pepe Céspedes also recording a guitar with eyes closed, looking only within his soul to play. Like playing "Mi Caramelo"
The departure of the study, I took my time on the floor of Luna Park Bersuit watching Bambi, thinking maybe one day we may know them or not. Making this record with them was incredible. Also meet Dany Suarez, Condor Sbarbati, Martin Pomares, Edu Pereyra was great. One wanted to tell ...
now live with the final nostalgia and joy of the birth of a new stage. In a month and a half it will have and hope to accompany all his life. Will be 12 stories, as yours and ours.
I do not know if I do well remember when dad often took us to school, the girlfriend who left us, a mother crying over something that we could explain, in congratulating breast for something you did for her to recognize us, the warmth of the nights of January, an Argentine Fiorito taking over the world, the sad night of the blackout, the moments in which some leave to be free, to my brother telling me that if Needless to stay all night without talking to me until I pass, the eternal silence of pain, sadness by remembering sadness. What really is, is that these are the things that are worthwhile.
Thanks for joining us in this process, every encounter with you is unforgettable! CHANO


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