Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Best Aluminum Boat Liner


"He who has learned to love the New Life can sing the song again. So the new song reminds us of New Life. New Man new song, new will. .. all belong to one and only Kingdom. "

"He who has learned to love the New Life can sing the song again. So the new song makes us think of the New Life. New Man new song, will again ... all belong to one and only Kingdom "(St. Augustine).
The Christian who sincerely seeks to know the place that music should occupy in his own life, is in the Word of God a general rule can be applied to any area of \u200b\u200byour life:" Do everything for the Glory of God "(1 Cor 10, 31).
" For none of us lives for himself and no one dies to himself " (Rm 14, 7). "Christ died so that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died and rose for them" (2 Cor 5, 15). "That in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 4, 1 l). If we are born again of water and the Spirit, desire to do all things, including music for the glory of God. All my things are under the gaze of my Father, I am his son and live according to Him to accept music listening, we write, we sing or play alone or with others to contribute to glorify God.
do something for the glory of God means that we want Him to receive all the Honor and Praise of our action and is better known, loved and served. Therefore, we give up our own personal glory.
The world of music, like all artistic activity, has been diverted to the glorification of man. One of the goals recognized or not of the artists is to make a name. And Jesus says about this: "among you, not so" (Mt 20.26). in a common prayer or any liturgical celebration is inconceivable that musicians and singers are actors. Music is offered to God as prayers. We gather in the name of the Lord to enjoy the music or to appreciate its quality.
"All me things are allowed, but I will not be enslaved by anything. "Even the best things can become a threat to my freedom if they become indispensable to my comfort, if I can not live without them. Today the music has become for many a drug that would be very difficult to do without. Music is a wonderful means by which God can give peace, joy, strength .... but always remain a means, such as food or medicine, in the hands of God.
is not the music itself from whom I expect these benefits, but my Father who loves me. I avoid, therefore, spend more time, forces, or receptive to what the Lord shows me how convenient to not depend on it. For many "audiophiles" music has become a substitute religion. They need it to calm down or cheer. Expect of it what we expect of God: Consuelo, inner transformation, communion with others ...
Music is a servant of God, if it does not take place, it becomes an idol, a false God. Making music for the glory of God to serve God is known, as it truly is, as many people. Glorify The Name of God "(Jn 17:18) is manifest and to recognize its qualities: Your Majesty, Your Grace, Your Tenderness Your Beauty. The music glorifies God when it reflects these qualities and evoke within the audience. "A music for the Glory of God," says Kuen-Peace is a music in the sense of Shalom: Fullness, Accomplishment, Happiness. "
Paul, just after speaking of singing, says: "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do it in the Name of Jesus" (Col, 3, 17).
do a thing in the name of someone is doing as he would have done, to represent their personality, their nature, do it with love and authority. Music made in the name of the Lord Jesus should reflect his person, his strength and his sweetness, his truth and purity, his love and its power, and also his zeal, his passion for the Father, his indignation at the evil. A music of this kind can have, according to the time, sounds strong, unique accents, different styles, but no pleasure in exciting or condition. Shall not be chaotic or exaggerated, but transmit the serenity and balance that arise from the triumph of God on all division and destruction.

In the Old Testament, the Levites, temple musicians were subject to the same obligations as their brothers. They had no privilege or wealth, God Himself was their inheritance (Num 18.29, Dt 10.9). Something similar has happened with those who are called to serve the Lord through music and song. A ministry of music as a ministry of advocacy or preaching a service to the Lord in the Community. Means, somehow, a consecration to God. The Community-

through their leaders, must maintain a requirement. Consistency spiritual life for all who are part of a music ministry. "But the musicians who live in an exemplary manner should be used in the Church", said once someone with experience in the matter.

Those who serve the Lord in this ministry are to love God and His Word than the music. Must have a vision of music and singing from the Word of God and the Tradition of the Church. They must have patience, emotional stability, ability to surrender and teamwork, enthusiasm and zeal, offset by good sense and good humor. At the base of it all: humility. Only a life of daily prayer and actual delivery can serve the Lord.

Author: Javier Rodríguez
. Originally published in NEW PENTECOST, no. 60 (www.rcc-es.com)

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Living in the spirit to sing in

Following our previous article devoted to musical equipment that we use in different situations, see we need to play at local middle, as could be, for example, the gym of a college or university. Chances are that the amplifiers have no sound can fill a room with these characteristics, especially if you're playing to 300, 400 or more persons, who are dancing and talking. For a situation like this, you need a good PA system and a mixer to bring together all the signals that need to be amplified. If you are not very well financially, a good option is to rent the equipment - at least until the dates are very common and more worthwhile to buy the equipment. However, if 're thinking about buying equipment, you should not rule out certain resources such as thrift stores or eBay to find what we want - a second-hand musical equipment we can save enough money.

To put in place when playing in a local mid-size - imagine a conference room at a university that is used for concerts as well - need to put microphones on all instruments or take signals directly from the instruments . To give some examples, you can put a microphone on the amplifier or to run the guitar signal through an emulator then amplified and sent to the mixer. You can also put a microphone to the amplifier's low, do operate under a direct entry into the speakers or through an amp emulator. You can take the signal from the keyboard directly to the mixer. You can put microphones on the drums or play with a drum machine directly to the mixer. Of course, for the singer and the chorus also need microphones.

If you have four instruments and three vocalists, you need an 8 channel mixer to handle all the entries. The mixer sends its signal to an amplifier. For a place such as a school gym, you'll need at least 100 watts, while a hundred more would be much better. Now you need two speakers that can handle the power that gives us the amplifier. Depending on the speakers you select, you may need some supports to hold them. Apart from this, and as auxiliary equipment, you may want to monitor on stage. Your mixer will have a monitor output signal, so you'll need a monitor amplifier and several speakers for this device.
Put everything together, you'll need a mixer with 8 or 12 channels, a main amplifier, a monitor amplifier, main speakers, amplifiers supports if needed, speaker monitors, cables for the main speakers and monitor, three to seven microphones, microphones corresponding standard cables, and a van to carry all the material.

As discussed in the previous article, even if you're playing in a bar or pub which has its own mixer, amplifiers and speakers, you should consider bringing some proper equipment. For example, many bands will bring their own microphones with cables and mixer 8 or 12 channels. What I usually do is to operate all buses on their own mixer, and configured with its own mixer and sends mixed signals to local mixer. In this way, the band can control the mix rather than a person from the local control it.
This also can simplify things if one is not available on site to take charge of the sound. You will not have to learn how the equipment room itself and you will be using only one of its channels. If you're planning to put microphones on amplifiers for the guitars, then you should bring the amplifiers and microphones you're planning to use. If you're using emulators microphones or other devices, and connecting you should bring your own mixer.

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spirit What sound equipment used for a local medium?

Cristhian Your friend and brother.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Is Healing Ringwormpink?


Therefore, you and your friends have decided to organize a band, and I plan to do concerts in front of an audience. That is fine, but there may be a small problem: the current musical equipment they have can not be right to do concerts in front of a demanding public. If there is no minimum budget to buy a decent musical equipment, you may have to start with the basics, just what you need - you need to exit the garage or rehearsal room and get into a real place where play front of people. In the next article, we will see a quick and easy, as are the basics of sound systems, also known as professional audio equipment, so you can set up a music system that works in a medium-sized site, such as a lounge or other similar local.
The first step is to do the kind of place you go and touch, because you can potentially save money by comparing the equipment you need in the places where you will play. For example, if you're playing in a hall auditorium and church halls where they usually do and live music events, chances are you already have a permanent basic musical equipment: a PA system, speakers and a mixer installed. This is the best scenario we can find because all you have to do is connect to the system. In a room with this type of equipment, instruments and take a few microphones and you're ready to play.
* Guitar - The guitar player has his own guitar and amplifier. * Bass - The bass player has his own bass and amp. * Battery - has its own battery. * Keyboard - The keyboard has its own keyboard and amplifier.
* Singer - has its own microphone and amplifier.

Apart from this, two members of the group do the chorus. When you're rehearsing, or this is all you need. With this basic equipment, you can play in a garage or basement and get a good sound for a space like that. The same equipment can also be enough to fix at a party at someone's house or a small venue. Depends on the size of amplifiers that are available. If there are units of 10 or 15 watts, it may not be sufficient to cover an area larger than a garage, especially if many people talking at the site. On the other hand, an amplifier of 60 watts may work well in most venues.
However, if you have to play a larger site, things change. We will see this in the next part of the article to the next. Source:

Inexpensive Blank Silver Discs For Stamping

How to make the sound of my group?

"What's the matter?" Is the first single
with which the band
ALBUM: What's the matter?
1. You 2. No more 3. I want your love
4. What is happening?
5. What would
6. Want eternal 7. We are not alone 8. His name is Jesus 9. Wings of Freedom
10. Desert 11. What is happening? (Bonus track)


Sony Replacement Antenna

Banda "Palo Santo"

Believe album
01. Take me 02.
will celebrate 03. You'll be

04. look into your eyes 05. Believe 06. Your 07. You are my Peace
08. Arise
09. Mother of Man
10. Take me
11. Come
12. Thanks
13. There are no words
14. I want to build


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Average Price For Dog Teeth Cleaning

"ELLA" New Video.

Ella first cut "obsessed" , the new album BIONICA TAN, produced by Pepe Céspedes and Oski Righi.
Directed by Juan Chappa, the clip is the first to be recorded at 360 ° in the country.

Presentation October 9 in "The Hidden"


Friday, September 10, 2010

How Long To Get Std Results

New Single! TAN

Ella first cut is the diffusion "obsessed" , the new album TAN BIONICA .
may soon see the video. The
in the wings!

Monday, August 23, 2010

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BIONICA - obsessed

Tan Bionic presents "obsessed"
His new work that will reach all the shops in late September.

"obsessed" is composed of twelve stories, the themes of the clash, the remembering and forgetting as central.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Laminating At Staples

greet all the fans of Bionic Tan, and to vent a little this waiting, I home on a small video with pictures taken by us during the recording. Will soon see the official EPK.
See you at the concerts. TAN

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Telecommunication Valuation Methods


On one side it came Whoopie! They are popular in USA even if you knew it came from the Amish in Pennsylvania and kitchen as well not come to UK. Some even dare to say that Whoopi is the new cupcake.

Its name comes from the words "whoopie!". Amish women began to cook this for inserting it to the men in their "packed lunches" and every time they saw this delicacy from their food shouting "whoopie!".

The whoopie cookie is a "bizcochonada" with a very soft padding. Whoopie is the classic chocolate and filled with a buttercream that have added "marshmallow fluff. "You may ask:" And what is that? "The clouds are marshmallow fluff (hams, sponges) made a paste. For it comes as internet home as this is an American product not so easy to find.

And here we leave the classic Whoopie Pie recipe ...

To Whoopie:

125g softened butter 200g brown sugar

1 egg 350g flour 50g cocoa

1 1 / 2 teaspoon baking soda
1 / 2 tsp salt 250ml buttermilk
(1 glass of milk with 1 tbsp lemon or vinegar)

For the filling: 225g butter

room temperature 250g icing sugar

1 jar marshmallow fluff (213g)
2 tsp vanilla extract Method

Heat oven to 180 degrees and cover 2 baking trays with baking paper. In a bowl sift the flour, cocoa, baking soda and salt to one side. In another we beat the butter and sugar. Once mixed add the egg and vanilla.

this bowl we take 1 / 3 of flour and one of the buttermilk. Mix well and continue until finished. We take a tablespoon and we throwing tablespoons 2cm apart as each lot of dough as they expand. Our spoon was slightly larger than the soup with which we came forth as a beautiful whoopie handful of large, we Americans all! We put a tray in the oven 10 minutes or until done, you know the trick stick ...

We took the tray and introduce the other and so on until they are completed. Let cool 5 minutes on tray before passing a few racks to cool completely.

To make filling, put all ingredients in a bowl (preferably a kitchen aid or something similar) and the barillas mix well. Do not worry if at first seems odd, very dry, and so changed and remain as a buttercream. Place on a pastry bag with nozzle too wide and fill up a whoopie putting another type sandwich.

NOTE 1: Do not you may eat more than one, and if you are very brave conseguis because they fill a lot!

NOTE 2: Here in the UK is a company that sells American goods to Spain but the cost is £ 22.99 if you doing a nice order or if you do from a few great but to do it for a jar of fluff as marsmallow as not. The store is American Sweets. Anyway, the classic is filled with marshmallow fluff but there are more variations that can be Whoopi buttercream filling.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Ideas To Jack Off With

Praise of Melancholy

` Gilbert

There is a strange phenomenon that occurs at times of life, when a thought connects the present exciting situation with some of our past and cause a cousin-brother feeling of sadness. Of course I mean the blues.
Melancholy is one of the most worthy feelings that can move an artist. Sorry, you must move an artist, because this phenomenon connects us with the things that really have significant value in our unusual existence. And dare I say it's more important that we remember with nostalgia, that whatever is to come. And the important thing is to come will be even more valuable when more distant future the recall wistfully.
This does not mean you have to appreciate the joyous moments life, as long as they keep in mind that happiness is essentially a compilation of small moments where one innocently unaware that fate is composed of losses and absences. Is made and shaped by some force so that every time we have less. Is that why you have so much fear and respect for the word "death"? I hate that word. I hate that things die or end. But that is that the universe gave us memory so that within it, things will not die. Also love, which is short. But we feel very far from death.
Maybe melancholy is naturally a failure of memory, or perhaps a warning. An alert that warns us do something to keep alive the memory sad and happy at the same time.
today officially finished disc. Stage was completed, and when I would study this phenomenon appeared Del Cielito called melancholy. I was very sad because he felt that he had died a stage. A stage that included Oski Rigui pounding the table to show me how to pronounce, as it should pronounce the phrase "living the way that lives badly." MALVIVOOOO said Oski. A man forced me to put the whole strength of my heart in a word. Pepe Céspedes also recording a guitar with eyes closed, looking only within his soul to play. Like playing "Mi Caramelo"
The departure of the study, I took my time on the floor of Luna Park Bersuit watching Bambi, thinking maybe one day we may know them or not. Making this record with them was incredible. Also meet Dany Suarez, Condor Sbarbati, Martin Pomares, Edu Pereyra was great. One wanted to tell ...
now live with the final nostalgia and joy of the birth of a new stage. In a month and a half it will have and hope to accompany all his life. Will be 12 stories, as yours and ours.
I do not know if I do well remember when dad often took us to school, the girlfriend who left us, a mother crying over something that we could explain, in congratulating breast for something you did for her to recognize us, the warmth of the nights of January, an Argentine Fiorito taking over the world, the sad night of the blackout, the moments in which some leave to be free, to my brother telling me that if Needless to stay all night without talking to me until I pass, the eternal silence of pain, sadness by remembering sadness. What really is, is that these are the things that are worthwhile.
Thanks for joining us in this process, every encounter with you is unforgettable! CHANO

Monday, May 31, 2010

Back Pain To Left Side Of Upper Waist

Diego presents: "The Mix and Mate" Chano

This newspaper should have to do with the recording, but I understand that many of you may not care about anything that is might have a diary for recording, but the final result, the finished product, or songs.
sure many would be surprised if I were to explain step by step what happened inside and outside the studio throughout the process of gestation of this work. The hours, days and months that we spent. The commitment to ourselves, with you, with art, with music, with song, with sound, with the story itself. The pressure on his shoulders to know that you're doing something that will be eternal, something that has no boundaries or barriers. You'll do move, you'll do mourn, sing, dance. Will accompany you, you going to do to stop the ear and get to thinking. It'll make you feel alive. Something that we can be proud.

thank every morning to do this with my friends.

Actually my idea was not to get sentimental, but do a little introduction to tell you something that really changed my life, and what happened during the recording. So I venture to include this in the Daily Record.

not have to do with anything technical, or with producers or with the battery or the dishes that I used, or the green microphone was used to record the voices, it has to do with something that made this record is a hinge in my life: Mate.

I was not 26 springs ignoring this infusion, but was in the studio this fall that I really realized the value of, the place it occupies in the life of the people. It was actually during mixing I learned the secrets that the grass is so that the bulb is such a thing, that water does not boil, the round going there or here and etc, etc.
I began to see the matte as a companion at all times, in the good, the bad, day, night, alone, with friends, on the road, in a park, at work, at leisure, in the field, in the city, anywhere in life. Bitter or sweet? It is the sharing, and never sharing anything can be bad.
To end my confession and close a little better the concept I attached a paragraph I found out there in some anonymous:

"This is the only country where the decision to stop being a kid and start being a man comes a day in particular. Nothing pants, circumcision, university or living away from parents. Here we begin to be great the day we need to take some mates for the first time, alone. It is no coincidence. It is because. The day a guy puts the kettle on the fire and making his first mate with no one at home, at this minute, it has been found to have a soul. Or are you scared to death, or dead of love, or something, but is not an ordinary day. "

At some point we all know the songs, sounds and everything that includes this work could be done without mate. but who would dare to assert otherwise would not?

Finally: On Friday June 4th we will give a concert in the 3rd edition of Festival Ciudad Emergente. We play at 18 pm. Time.
I'll be waiting for someone to invite me to come to a mate. And that does not exceed the barrier of shame and stay away, the third song of the show, raise your hand. So I know that this applicant element of water, seemingly irrelevant, meant for you as for me sometime. The

greets Diega

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Homemade Jack Off Toys Water Bottle

This week Auxi play at home. Despite the small squeaks and squabbles of our daughters got to make these delicious coffee cupcakes with frosting of Baileys. I think it goes without saying that these cupcakes are not suitable for minors but a luxury for larger parties. There are no words to describe the kick that gives the buttercream Baileys without the frosting the cupcake itself does not tell you much. We encourage that and we conteis probeis that you have similar.

without further ado let's the recipe ...


For the cupcakes:
instant coffee 1 tablespoon hot water

150g butter 150g soft light brown sugar 3 medium eggs

pastry flour
For the frosting: Instant Coffee 1cda

1cda hot icing sugar 250g butter 125g soft
2-3 tbsp Baileys

Cocoa for dusting Method:
Preheat oven to 190 degrees and put the capsules cupcakes on a tray of 12 holes.

First dissolve the coffee with hot water. In a bowl whisk together butter and sugar to a cream or ointment. We threw eggs, flour and coffee and continue beating until blended. Divide the mixture between the capsules and put it in the oven to bake for 15-18 minutes or until golden brown and pierce with a toothpick comes out clean.

let cool on the tray five minutes before removing grilles and cool completely.

To make the frosting, dissolve the coffee with hot water in a bowl, then sift the sugar and pour the butter. Beat until well blended and add the Baileys to your liking. Put the icing in a pastry bag with large star tip and decorate each cupcake and sprinkle with cocoa.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Maxi Mounds Retirement

presents: The Mix and The Destiny.

Dear Friends
Through this cold contact, offer an overview of our current light.
As you well know, Tan Bionics is in the process of finalizing its new and long delayed album. This fact gives me enormous pride and great pain.
The moment we are passing on a painful and happy has been called by fence to see who • Process to mix. "
This process is fundamental Starring the album's producers: Pepe Céspedes Duarte and Oski Righi. The engineers Martín Pomares, Eduardo Pereyra and Hernan Agrasar guest engineer. Two of our best men and Emiliano and Diego Bambi Sasal that works directly and indirectly from a not too distant suburb. To explain this process
prefer first disclose the reasons for my self-exclusion. My reason is cowardice worthy and unworthy my reason is the metaphorical blindness that haunts me each of the events in which a work is handled once did. If you were a child should witness the birth? I do not answer now.
To meet me wish that you, most unaware of these avatars understand this process. I wrote a modest test or analogy of the mixture, which can read below. MODESTO


From an early age my vision of life was very negative. I thought the fact of existence in the universe was to resist many ailments as inexplicable loneliness, disappointment in love, missing souls away and the absolute rejection of everything you do.
always thought that in my years as an infant should have been happy and unhappy that he caused pain to my loved ones. Fact that apart from the unhappiness generated blame me. So the best shelter for my sadness was the composition, and that was the most interesting of my loneliness.
At some point I realized that all those things that I suffered were the most valuable tools to run my practice of writing. Is something greater than myself, I grant that suffering will always support, to transform them into bricks to the bricklayer, in the salt for the cook or the engine to the mechanic. In the elements of my work when I write. Transite
and happy moments of magical things populating all my loneliness, fantasy filling the gaps of my absences and my fisuritas patching up with the sun of happy birthday.
I wrote and wrote and imagined finish the work with instruments and sound that mixed colors in my head and needed put them in my ears.
For that Bambi, Sebi Diego and recorded the instruments and all the heroes I mentioned before had to violently assign a volume and a place in space to each of the components recorded. Many arrangements of guitar, bass or synth are cleverly riddled during this process, to finally decide on the most relevant or the most beautiful.
The mixing process is a savior. Is to end the eternal pursuit of endlessly correct recordings.
is the escape for not spending eternity changing the songs so sick. Mix to finish, to get rid forever of the work, not to listen, to give to you, to not go crazy with what should have been. It is the end of the recording. It decides who dies and who lives.
The mixing are aware that they are employees of the universe, fate. They know that true beauty is not in the work. Beauty is not in the field. The real beauty is in the ear of the listener.
is a complex process intimately gives a deceptively simple result.
(Applause from engineers and producers)
I think for musicians is also a way to apologize for our previous works and is also a good mix. A moral duty. Yesterday I sat
's chair cielito and I realized that every move of the engineer moved some of my life, and what I really was trying to do was mix up my emotions. Trying to highlight those things that move me and trying to hide as many that hurt.
life suggests to me constantly and these songs have to sound one way or another. But each has something special, things that sound because someone put it there, either an engineer, a musician, god or a giant force ever seen and we can not stop or escape it. We can only understand the force and align with it to an illusory happiness. That
magical force that arises from the murderer of my calculations, the executioner of my speculations, the persecutor of my actions in advance is: FATE.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Palm Springs Gel Nail Salon

IRISH COFFEE CUPCAKES Cupcakes marbled chocolate frosting Cupcakes

Several recipes we have to find a good chocolate cupcake is moist and flavorful at the same time. Did not come out dry but rich in flavor and juicy but a bit tasteless. Well they finally find him and here I leave it with a frosting something different ... This is a chocolate ganache and dulce de leche by the effect of "marbled ".... We hope you enjoy and that intenteis ....


frosting cupcakes Ingredients: 215g flour

260g caster sugar 1 tsp baking royal
1 / 2 teaspoon baking
1 / 2 tsp salt 125ml water

50g cocoa powder 100g soft butter 125ml cold water

2 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla extract Frosting

chopped 200g black chocolate cream 125ml

Dulce de leche

Preheat oven to 170 degrees. We cupsulas of cupcakes in pans for them. In a bowl sift the flour, baking soda, and salt royal. In another bowl whisk the butter to a cream or ointment and add the sugar. Whisk and laying the eggs one by one according to the cast after beating vanilla extract.

In a bowl make a paste with cocoa and hot water. Once dissolved threw cold water and stir to mix well.

Pour the half of the flour in the bowl of butter and mix. Stir in half of the chocolate mixture, beat the other half of the flour, whisk cocoa and half of us left. Divide between pans filling 2 / 3 of the capsules and we put in the oven for 25 minutes. Once made

take them out, let them cool for 5 minutes in pans and then put on racks to finish cooling completely before decorating.

To make the frosting put the cream to boil in a small saucepan. Bring to the boil remove and let rest for bubbles to dissipate. We took the chocolate and stir to get rid. Once cold

cupcake covered with chocolate ganache and and put 6 drops of dulce de leche spread over the surface. Using a toothpick, the effect of marbol will not unify the colors.

NOTE: The amount of ganache that we have not cover all the cupcakes, only gives you a cup. We only cover 4 but would have to 6. With the amounts of cupcakes cupcakes hucimos 12 and 24 mini cupcakes.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy Acuarium Pearls 2010

classic lemon and cinnamon

Here began the adventure, not always as adventurous, two English living in London, friends by fate (and will tell you) addicted to pastries, amazon and cookbooks. We started with a recipe from his book Xavier Barriga "Pan" recently acquired by Auxi in his last trip to Spain. We go to the search and capture of the cupcakes we remember from our childhood and although they are close, we have not yet found the ideal recipe ... Will your oven? Will our meal? We do not know but it does not stop here ...


Ingredients: 125g
eggs (and, a little weird ... We went 1 large and one medium but pesadlos vosotr @ s)
175g sugar (for our taste we had we put more like 200g)

190ml milk 60ml sunflower oil 210g
weak flour (we deduced that it is normal)
5g baking powder or drive (let's Royal lifetime)
A pinch of salt, cinnamon powder and lemon zest (Bea here you can use your spoon pinch)


Beat eggs and sugar in a bowl. In a glass mix the milk with the oil and threw the bowl, beating until ingredients are incorporated.

In another bowl place the drive, cinnamon, salt, lemon zest and flour, mix and pour the liquid mixture. Beat for 2-3 minutes, cover with a cloth and put in the refrigerator at least 1 hour (can leave overnight).

Preheat oven to 250 degrees and spread the mixture (3 / 4 parts of the paper liners for muffins) using a pastry bag to be more precise. Sprinkle with sugar and bake at 210 degrees 14 to 16 minutes depending on size and oven.

Cool on racks and eat!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Rose Garden Seating By Seat

Daily Record, I insist ...

Hello. I take this space to send greetings to all those who follow our work, our concerts, videos and the diary recording.
In the last deliveries of this newsletter, we were tempted to tell, part of the last activities we were doing. I refer to the chronicles of the beautiful evening at The Backroom on 13 last month, the tragic event that involved the piano by the cousin of my aunt's daughter (very famous in this newspaper) and wanted to add between these facts, the unforgettable tour included three concerts in Rosario and one in Cordoba, where once again we meet with you and thicken the funny anecdotes of the route. Last but not least, note the brand new and expected video Lunita of Tucumán.
But back to the concrete, what concerns us, for which it was created this space.
You say, these guys announced on 25/08/2009 that were working with producers and beginning to record a new album. You're right. So, I gather, might be asking, What about the new album by Tan Bionics?. When I finish?
To his disappointment, not with all those answers in this release. But perhaps you can guide a bit, which is currently the project.
I tell them that we are passing the time prior to mixing the album. Completing the last details to enter this difficult phase.
You wonder what is the mix?. Or maybe not, you may be a scholar in the field of recording albums, so I suggest, ignore this simple and limited explanation.
I continue. For those who have been following this newspaper, have noticed that we were describing stages, where the guys who play with me, at different times were recording their individual musical skills, and even in some cases all simultaneously. After that we conducted editions, combining the material, correct errors, create arrangements, sounds, effects. Imagine you, that all these ingredients, at some point, so that you receive the finished product we call song, someone has to take the job of mixing. At some point you think this is related to the culinary art of cooking. You have a number of ingredients that may undergo different processes of transformation, to complete a finished dish.
The mixing process requires a lot of concentration, social isolation and objectivity. It is a terribly repetitive process, which may be even tedious, but also gives us the possibility of discovering beautiful as the song takes on a final form as the disc is having an identity and concept.
would not advance more in this process, because it will be interesting as commentators to fence happening. Addition surely it will intervene in these communications, provide other people with more knowledge and skill in this, the art of writing.
I hope then that these interactions remain vigilant and tell us what their impressions and expectations with the disk, so they could be seeing in this journal.
also want to invite them to a few more pictures of the recording.
An endearing greeting. Bambi

Monday, March 22, 2010

Maxi Micro Micro Bikini

March 13, The Hidden

Saturday March 13, 1920 hours, one of the last round heat of summer in the city, the night was about elegance. In Palermo, about 100,000 people embrace the Chilean brothers with Andres Calamaro, Gustavo Cerati, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs and Leon Gieco, among other local figures. In San Telmo, a privileged few, some 650 musicians embrace the port (ex Bersuit) and guitarist of one of the world's biggest bands, The Strokes. Sic, the virtuoso Albert Hammond Jr. went to the back room to watch the show Bionic Tan, a band that ceased to be a revelation and at this point is already part of the local mainstream.

20.15, the psychedelic tunes from "The Roots of Chicha" which appeased the wait is over, the curtain opens and a video recalls the best moments of "Hurricane Tour, the tour was to visit Bionic So much of the country in 2009. A few minutes later, Chano, Bambi, Seby Diego and get on stage and the audience goes crazy to the rhythm of Bionic Girl, fashion cap, depression, and Spring Perfect Lives.

After 35 minutes of pure power, the hurricane passes and the voice of Chano, more fragile than ever, leads an acoustic version of the salad, the rest of the band accompanied by guitars. The curtain closes, the audience sighs, the thrill is in the air.

few minutes later, Tan Bionics unveils one of its best kept secrets, the video Lunita de Tucumán, a sweet ballad tragic point that the director knew Juan Chappa become a strong conceptual video which is exposed to the actress Belen Chavanne could easily be a girl Almodóvar.

The video ends and it seems that the surprises are over, however Bionic Tan has an ace up his sleeve. The curtain opens and The Hidden explodes with a very well made version of La Soledad, Bersuit, along with The Ox (Pepe Céspedes, Righi Osky, Dani Suarez Condor Sbarbati and Martin Pomares). The same musicians also interpret pills Oblivion, a melancholy theme with River Plate who are part of the new Bionic Tan disk. The room late, the audience cheers.

The show continues with the same energy from the start, Chano makes dance and sing to the audience with hits like ruin, which is part of the rankings of radio stations in the country, Poison, I hope you and My Madrugaditas, including others.

22.30, near the end, the chords sound sad obsessed in A Major, a new song that will surely become a classic of the band. In the field, the most sensitive weep the strongest attempt to do so, not all succeed.

Now if Tucumán Lunita marks the end of the road, everybody sings, even those who do not know the words. Final Salute and the next. So now Bionic be consolidated in Rosario (where he will play on Friday 19 and Saturday, March 20) and Cordoba (do a show on Sunday 21 March), two places that suit him. Besides, who knows, perhaps soon to materialize the invitation of Albert Hammond Jr. and Tan Bionic embrace the dream of sharing the stage with The Strokes.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

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This morning I saw him very badly. The only man capable of being cured, before seeing me advance by phone that the situation was very complex. He said he was very old, that his body would not work and that his soul wanted to go. Clinically argument was impossible to save. ¨ Only a miracle can save him said. Whenever I refused to endorse everything he said science and place my faith and my belief in the irrational, but this time it was very difficult to save. I, without being an expert on the subject, I realized that was not done.
morning Diega approached to offer every assistance. He watched from afar the talk I had with this man and realized that my optimism was almost absurd. That everything was already said, that life is so, that there is a way in which we must be constantly accepting the loss, that life is about accepting the absences.
You could tell he wanted to give me a hug, as did many times. But maybe I would give it to no end to bury my expectations, perhaps to delay a few more minutes on my way to acceptance.
L of sadness I felt a thousand miles, but still was not prepared to face this tragedy. Bambi
When I was going type. He had not heard anything he had said the professional, but when he sat in front of him and touched him, he transformed the face immediately. He said nothing I look into your eyes I look at Diego and did not take their eyes tell me that even miracles were impossible in this case.
Bambi is my brother and I loved him as I do, but seemed to be more whole or at least more avocado to hold back, perhaps to dribble the feeling or perhaps because I knew that my life would be very difficult after that music after this, my house at night when everyone is asleep. Thereafter. Sebi
told me that we are all going to come this time. Strong hug him and say goodbye. Arriving afternoon
accept a little loss.
My guitar will never play the sound of his voice, but I will give other songs.
in my house is always going to be the giant hole that I will remember.
And in my heart the sound of his C major tune.
I'll never forget the morning of 9 March with Bambi Saavedra, Diego and Sebi, when he diagnosed my chronic Piano out of tune, the musical death.

Saturday in the back I tell if I buy another or as the story goes. CHANO