Sunday, February 13, 2011

Nice Things To Write In Engagement Cards

Taking stock (and leaving two minutes having learned something)

One of the many mornings working with José María in the shop, I commented that it would not be bad idea to do an inventory. I really do not know if the idea was due to his training in management, the horror that must feel stuck in the middle in a pile of junk, or trying to purge some of my sins so cumbersome taking the time to work. But the fact is that I recommended it, and even offered to lend a hand to stop the Despiporre of things that attest to the workshop.

And today I've gone alone, and without further list of tasks to finish placing an additional panel tool (the far right in photo below), I thought it was worth doing as the least one attempt.

And for something we had to start, grabbed carburetors box and paper, and got to see what the devil was there. The result was quite disastrous. Not only because it was a box was converted into two (it turned out that there were other carbs out of the box so labeled, and that did not fit in one place), but because the content has proved an absolute nonsense.

Specifically, now I have a box labeled "Amal carburettors, which reads as follows:
  • 2 Amal carburetors 627/11 (note, not 411, I explain that later) original King Scorpion. Amal carburetor
  • 1 627 unlabeled (and curved label) Cota 247 original MkI. Amal carburetor
  • 1 247 Cota 627/413 1971 model as Arreche tables.
  • 1 627 of Amal Amal carburetor Brand UK, it is assumed that for 247 jets. Amal carburetor
  • 1
  • Cota 2627/416 349 / 4.
  • 1
  • rare 720/404 Amal carb the first Cota 200.
is 7 carbs 7, they would think I have half the fleet without carburetor. But, and here's the problem, is that all my bikes are set to a carburetor that work. Trying to justify the nonsense to myself, I think "my" King Scorpion is pending replacement because it should not take a 627 belongs. Amal may even buy it without a label for the second 247 MkI, I do not know what carburetor is now. But the rest ... I have just no damn idea of \u200b\u200bwhat they do in the workshop.

Oh yes, I assume that I had to buy me because the carbs do not breed. But I do not know if you have a lot of sense to keep that arsenal.

The thing got worse with the contents of the second box, labeled now as "Bing and Other", the content detail to delight the reader. Contains:
  • 1 carb Bing 38 mm 54-2 numbered 14 617 / 0. Bing carburetor
  • 1 54 38 - 117.
  • 1 carb Mikuni VM 28, legal classics, bought with the idea of \u200b\u200bputting it on the 349 / 4.
  • 1 Carburetor Keihin PWK 28 modern half-plane gate. I have the fuzzy idea that I went to try the yellow Ossa.
  • 1 carb "Pacco" (I swear by my caste all) 26. This is a copy of the Mikuni VM india 26. I guess it's ideal for a Sherpa. Additionally
  • :-) I think Nacho has a Bing ("28?) Mine on loan. But I do not remember.
That is, other 5 (or 6) more carbs, of diverse cultures, I do not know what application can have ... except for the first Bing, that just end up replacing that of VF if it Cappra fix.

finished filling the second box, I decided it was better not to continue with the inventory. Fortunately my wife does not read this, but the issue began to be so great that even my bad I was looking. Better stop.

then, as an ill wind that blows no good, see all the rebar together has made me learn some things about the English Amal manufactured by Arreche.

These carburetors have always been called by a name consisting of two figures separated by a slash. Thus, in a 627/413 the first issue of the first number indicates the model (600 or MkI) the following two diffuser diameter (27 mm in the example) and the second figure called "tab control", which corresponds to a bike model and year specific (in this example, the 413 is that of a Cota 247 of 71).

funny thing is that the oldest (that of the 247 MkI for example) are not in the body than the label of Amal. The following (is the 69/71 King) go with a 627 and 11 below, and the latest are stamped with complete nomenclature. 'm Not making shots, but if anyone remembers me the next weekend, I applied and hang.


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