Friday, February 11, 2011

Puppy Birthday Quotes

Vegetable Cake Recipe 3 Tips to save your food

3 Consejos para salvar tus comidas
cooking ideas

3 Tips to save your meals

many times we have everything ready to serve food, and suddenly, unexpectedly appears an unfortunate mistake, an accident, which has been put all our effort into the trash, because the food or burned, or dry, or we take more salt than what is suggested, finally, our sacrifice and work did not end as expected.

why come you no wrong these tips every chef or cook who wants should know, so you can save your and avoid foods that end in the dustbin.

know these 3 tips to save your meals

1. You spent noodles or pasta

If you are in the case, that you missed the pasta (or noodle), you put it in ice water to stop cooking process. Then you must reheat it with tomato sauce ... and Done.

2. If you burn the flesh

In case you've burned the flesh, you get the parties "carbonized" to avoid the unpleasant taste. Then season with freshly ground pepper and garlic cloves cut into small pieces. If you do not like, you can cut the meat into chunks or thin strips and make fajitas.

3. If you dry the fish

dried fish is bad, so if you dried fish, you should brush with a mixture of butter and lemon, then add cilantro and oregano. This sauce will allow you to "soak."

freealfin In we love food, whether traditional dishes, exclusive frozen desserts, cakes and whatever your imagination glimpse at the hour when your appetite calls for the door.

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