Saturday, March 19, 2011

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2 Great Tips to Lose Weight Manjar

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Food and Lose Weight.

2 Great Tips to Lose Weight

In Freealfin not only give you the best recipes for meals, desserts, ice cream and actually what you think of the variety is wide, but also we offer the best advice for weight loss , and thus can not feel guilty every time I try some of the delights we publish regularly.

freealfin In we give you the best recipes the most rich desserts, ice cream most refreshing, and not forgetting the best advice diet, because food and health can be hand.

Next 2 Great Tips to Lose Weight

1. Come at any time

never really much, but if you eat five meals a day. That is what you need to lose weight. And is that nutritionists of the English Society of Community Pharmacy recommend not miss more than three hours between meals and another 5 are to reduce overweight and maintain a healthy diet.

After that time, the body can go into a state of "starvation" in which the body interprets that there is "food shortages" and decides to save energy by burning less fat properly.

2. Sleep well and just, to prevent weight gain has been

found that poor sleep or sleeping too much can affect your body and make you fat, please check the following lines:

A good sleep pattern is important to all plan to lose weight. Sleeping too much or too little can make you fat, say researchers from Wake Forest University USA, who analyzed the study participants for five years.

The group below 40 years of age. people who slept 5 hours or less each night increased almost 2.5 times the abdominal fat for those who slept 6 to 7 hours a day, on the other hand, those who slept 8 hours or more almost multiplied by two abdominal fat compared to group I slept from 6 to 7 hours.

People with sleep deficits tend to eat more and spend less energy) because they are tired, say the authors of the study, while people who sleep more than 8 hours a night may be less active. Some data

Weight Loss Learn to lose weight while eating
6 steps to lose weight while eating


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