Saturday, March 12, 2011

Brown Mucas Before Perios

continue with our cross on

If there is a bike that I've gone crazy in my life, that's the Cota 247 MkI José María, known among friends as "Big Cojones", certainly the name that best suit him.

has long bursts come telling some of the middle rounds in the process of recovery of this bike. And sometimes I think if it were not for the respect they give me religious questions, could have called these events the "sorrowful mysteries" of the bloody Cota. Mysteries because there have been few times when nobody was sure what happened to the happy pileup. And painful because sometimes we have touched the moral, sometimes the portfolio, and sometimes both at par.

omit the full story of our sad misfortune to not put anyone, but only by way of illustration, I will list some of the moments he has provided Nescafé. I think the first was the day that Jose Maria took her to the ITV and dropped the starting lever, but at that time knew why. Another beautiful moment was when we discovered that the boot shaft supports were broken and soldiers in a bad position (which took us to get a new card), or provided to us to discover that the change had more washers to the nose of a punk ... not to mention the face that we were left to close and discover new crank shaft boot that was not hers and fell short.

The penultimate visit to the operating room did not finish well. Once you find a brand new start shaft, when we shut the engine there was no way to make the changes work as expected. Eventually the problems were at two different points, as I discovered today. The first, that the bolt that secures the selector drum was flawed. For those who do get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich part is the part in red on the cutting blade.

Once fixed the damage, let the pan closed for the fifty-sixth consecutive time, and focused on the next mystery, which affected the shift selector. For some strange reason, the drum functioned properly when turned with pliers, but had a pilgrim behavior when we rode the switch and tried to make it work with the shift lever. Most striking of all was that there was "beyond" first gear, although the assembly was the pivot point coincide with the comb line selection. And with that I've spent a half hour this morning until I finally dropped that maybe something was riding backwards. And how could it be the comb, since the line only exists on one side, I found the piece that is below, to see if it was. Bingo! was upside down. The worst thing is I know that this piece has position, and the slot on the left should be higher than the right. But the reverse must have been removed at some point and did not fall in check when riding. The red frame, because I know how to mark it with fire.

Anyway ... who saw it was going, I encouraged and I have also part of the primary and crankshaft caps with washers and seals. And until I mounted the cylinder and head to avoid returning from a segment (another putaditas that has been making was that and luckily I had spares). At this time, the engine is exactly that:

And because today I left Mary and Joseph came to try to tear it seemed ugly without it. So I took to devote some time to the second motor Impala, which has progressed in fits and starts in the dead times we left the 247. Rarely have I made a motor with less mental sense of continuity it. If you boot and a half is not going to believe me.

One of the things he played was to change platinum and capacitor. My friend Andrew, Parts Záncara had gotten me a set of Kontact to release, and took the wheel to look at the state of those who brought the motor home. What I found left me cross-eyed, really. The capacitor soldered to the power cable and platinum. With a pair.

take the welder who played for free. And redo the installation putting a little heat shrink sleeve to prevent sparks that could produce the bare wire that I found. That I took no pictures because I was in a hurry to go back to Madrid, where he had to be at five in the afternoon. I just closed so fast that I left the meeting without putting cylinder, as shown in the photo of closure.

Anyway, God willing, next weekend we will try to start the Big Cojones once. And I promise you I will with a heavy heart. Because if you are still going well, and do not know What else can you do ... as well as an exorcism of Don Camillo Peppone Soviet tractor.


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