Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Differences In Breast Soreness

Cookie Recipe Chocolate Delicacy Chocolate as a source

Receta Galletas de Chocolate y Manjar Cookie Recipes

Chocolate Cookies Recipe Manjar

delicious decorated cookies with caramel or dulce de leche, ready to serve in the eleven, or a birthday celebration, or to go for a walk, finally, to what you want to spend.

Chocolate Cookies Ingredients Manjar

1 / 2 can of dulce de leche

200 gr butter 3 egg yolks 200 gr
flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 2 tablespoons

To decorate :

1 / 2 can of dulce de leche chilled Preparation

Delicacy Chocolate Cookies

1. Acreman dulce de leche and butter until bleached, add the yolks one by one.

2. Envelope in both form the flour, baking powder and cinnamon.

3. If the dough is very soft, refrigerate to harden slightly.

4. Form balls the size of a plum, arrange them on the tray and press them with a fork. Bake at 180 ° C until lightly browned.

5. Place the cold milk candy in wax paper or cartridge in a sleeve with small smooth duya decorate the guidelines set by the fork and go.

6. Serve with a glass of milk because they are a bit sweet.


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