Sunday, March 20, 2011

How Long Does It Take Mussels To Go Bad

Chronicle of a disappointment

wonderful time on Saturday 19. Father's Day to be exact, with a nice sun and a morning of those in which the body asks you to put on your helmet and leave the field before getting into the shop with work gloves. And I lived then, would have been worth paying attention to what we asked for the body rather than attempting to start the blessed "Cojones Grandes", who will have to be redesigned as "Huge Cojones." Margaret Thatcher to be still active, would have made a big role this bike as official vehicle of the British premier. Kind.

Anyway, I put video by Jaume habérselo promised, despite the lack of quality that is at this time (do not know which is the reason why HTC recordings of José María Venusian to add a touch of reality). But having been carried away by what I feel, instead of editing the video and add a blog entry now telling the story telling touches, had grabbed a bottle of hard alcohol to drown my sorrows in it. Or to give me a bottle with her on the forehead, by donkey.

We let the engine the other day at the elevator, since the side of the chassis, the cylinder mounted, half-way transmission, and all prepared to not take much to put on, and try to close housing to pull him out in little over an hour. And so it has been: working together with Jose Maria, who is already a rather solvent, in a very short time we had it all ready. I was in charge of riding on the right side, chain and start returning mechanism, while Jose Maria closed the primary drive cover and tighten the carburetor.

After placing the shift lever, which was good feeling to play with her hand-rode the boot ... to have the first evidence that had blundered. Because the lever was too far back with no effect on the boot, shows unequivocally that I had left the mechanism misplaced. Specifically, the wheel pinion gear that moves the boot to make it work on the third gear pinion, had left a bad start, so that the lever down to move long before the change. Red under the wheel happy to make it clear which is the source of my woes.

The worst part is that this is a common error in the assembly of these engines, who had heard it said many times many friends ... and that I had made to date. But it seems that the more eager to do things right, more likely to screw it up brown. For those of you who want to someday, it's not complicated. This is to ensure that no more move the axis manually from its resting position, the spring push the sprocket 2.65.003 against pinion, which in turn work on the fixed gear of the third speed, and through him and clutch and primary on the crankshaft to boot.

In fact, the booting occurs on the change is what motivates these engines can not be operated with a gear engaged. If we try to take the clutch, lose contact with the change and could not move the crankshaft. In small engines, however, as starting work directly on the primary, you can start with a gear engaged by simply pressing the clutch. The same happens on Hill 330 and 335, resulting trial last mechanical Impala engine. But that's another story.

As I was saying ... we realized that the starter was not fitted, just before putting the bike up. And despite that we decided to start to see how was the rest of the mechanics.

The start was very fast. Sign that we tune the carburetor stuck and not going too bad. But there was no evil of the damn bike, no. It was also perfect introduction to the first speed, the switch works smooth, no weird mechanical noise, and the bike has a very good touch. Just when you change to second. Just perfect. The problem is when you put third gear, and change begins to take a few pulls horrible (it's like trying to change her single between third and fourth). Because if you climb up to fifth and you ride it, come back to have impeccable behavior.

That is, logically, what happens is that when you move the fork to move the pinion 21.64.078 must engage with the third-speed freewheel on his left in the diagram, start mounted video show that the regime changes reflected as random.

mean ... touching canal reopened in the bike to see what the devil can go through it all. And the point is that when removing the first exchange, the bike had a shim between the second and third gears ( and removed because it is not in any cutting I've ever seen. Will you relocate?

The next weekend, if I have not become alcoholic because of this history, more.


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