Thursday, March 3, 2011

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The first Diet among Dulce de Leche Recipe

La primera Dieta entre todas

Slimming Diet The first among all

Today , we can find hundreds, even and without exaggerating until that number could reach thousands, and all with one goal: to make us lose weight and lose the extra kilos.

But like everything in life, there first of all, the diet that would give rise to the idea that learning to eat can make us lose those pesky kilos, and to the surprise of many, is virtually the same as your doctor prescribes.

It started in the middle of the nineteenth century in England, where a renowned furniture maker William Banting of London, happened to become the creator of the first diet in modern history. In order to reach this title, had a long journey, which began when they tiptoe in the 30 years, was at that age, he began to feel that they gained weight rapidly, so they decided to consult with a surgeon friend, who prescribed much exercise to lose weight, what was the most common and ordinary one might hear from your doctor, and of course, to rational, even today many recommend physical exercise to burn calories and thus lose weight, which achieves this effect, but if we do not we add a balanced diet , have no effect, as proved this cabinetmaker.

the advice of your doctor, and taking advantage of its proximity to the Thames and owning a boat, decided to put out two hours every morning. But the effort backfired: instead of losing pounds, won appetite.

not lose weight, what was up, then received a new tip: light meal and restraint, ignored, But Banting did not lose weight, but rather his body weakened. Then began a steady pilgrimage distressed by hospitals, while still gaining weight uncontrollably.

swam, walked, rode horses, sea air breathed. Ate all that the time physicians will recommend. Took Turkish baths three times a week for an entire year, but only spent three kilos lowered the energy she had left. Their efforts were in vain.

When he turned 64, her weight kept her from even move, even as the same relates, back down the stairs to prevent damage to your knees and ankles. Her body weakened and physician visits were so repetitive and fruitless. It was on this pilgrimage when he ran into an otolaryngologist, William Harvey. The doctor and had some certainty about the role the liver plays in diabetes. I was sure that this body, in addition to secreting bile, a sugary substance exuded that occurred in the blood. With this in mind, she realized the role of food in diabetes and how fats, sugars and carbohydrates affect your body.

When Harvey met Banting, decided to test his theory. At the start of Christmas 1862, the balance of the furniture maker marked 83 kilos, but six months later only scoring 70. " recipe? Had removed the bread, butter, milk, sugar, beer and potatoes.

In May 1863, Banting published the first edition of his famous pamphlet Letter to corpulence, addressed to the public, considered the first diet history: "I can assure everyone, with confidence, that the amount of food consumed in a diet can be relegated to the natural appetite, but quality is the same as essential to abate and cure corpulence. "

and had the test. Later that year, the cabinetmaker had lost 20 kilos. His recipe suggested

150 grams of fish or cold meat of any kind (except pig), a cup of tea without sugar or milk and dry toast for breakfast. At lunch, again fish (except salmon), chicken or meat (except pork), all vegetables (except potatoes), dry toast, fruit and two glasses of sherry (champagne, port and beer were forbidden). At tea time, just fruit, a biscuit and a cup of tea without milk or sugar. And dinner, something similar to lunch, but with only a glass of sherry. Banting

weight remained until his death at age 81 (1878) and its creation was the basis of the most popular diets of the twentieth century, that of Dr. Robert Atkin s, who was inspired by the furniture maker and his book.

freealfin In deliver you the best recipes the most rich desserts, ice cream most refreshing, and not forgetting the best advice diet, because food and health can be hand.

Some data

Weight Loss How to lose weight while eating
ideas to prevent weight gain


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